Jun 4, 2021
On this episode of Free Thinking, Montel chats with Jerome Foster II, an 18-year-old climate justice activist, voting rights advocate, and emerging technology developer. His work as a leader in the youth climate movement has been recognized on the international stage. He serves as the youngest member of the Biden White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council. He’s the Executive Director & Founder of OneMillionOfUs, which is mobilizing a new generation of young people to register and turnout to vote. He is the Founder and Co-Editor-in-Chief of The Climate Reporter, an international youth-led climate-focused news outlet. He has spoken at the United Nations High Commission on Human Rights, met with world leaders, and has helped to pass the Clean Energy DC Act which is one of the most aggressive and comprehensive decarbonization bills being implemented in the nation. He was awarded the World Series of Entrepreneurship and has been featured in TIME Magazine, ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, The Washington Post, New York Times, and many more. He has also been awarded the Amnesty International Ambassadors of Conscience Highest Human Rights Award alongside Greta Thunberg and other youth climate leaders.